Documentation [Deprecated]
SkyCiv Documentation

RC Design
Code Verification

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Individual members are objects stored within in the members object. Each member inside the members object should be identified by a unique positive integer.

Input Type Description
members Object Each member is defined by an object. Members are defined by two nodes, the section, rotation angle, and fixity of the member at each node.

Member Properties Type Unit Description
type String - Optional property. Accepts "normal" or "cable". Defaults to "normal" if this is not specified. If "cable" is specified, then there are consequences for what is assigned to a few other properties. rotation_angle is set to 0. fixity_A and fixity_B is set to "FFFRRR". All offset properties assigned 0.
cable_length Number - Optional property. Only relevant if "type" property is set to "cable", but even if the "type" is a "cable", it is optional to assign. A cable length can be specified to account for sagging or pre-tension. Do not set this property if you do not need to assign pre-tension or sagging.
node_A Number - The starting node. Identifed by the node ID
node_B Number - The ending node. Identifed by the node ID
section_id Number - The ID of the section to be applied to the member. Required to be postive. Sections are defined in their own object.
rotation_angle Number Angle (degrees) Rotate the member in degrees about its own axis. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
fixity_A String - How the member is connected about node A represented by a restraint code. The first three characters represent translational degrees of freedom in the local x, y, and z axes. The last 3 character represent rotational degrees of freedom in the local x, y, and z axes. F = Fixed and R = Released. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned "FFFRRR" (even if another value is specified here).
fixity_B String - How the member is connected about node B represented by a restraint code. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned "FFFRRR" (even if another value is specified here).
offset_Ax Number Section Length The local x distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
offset_Ay Number Section Length The local y distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
offset_Az Number Section Length The local z distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
offset_Bx Number Section Length The local x distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
offset_By Number Section Length The local y distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).
offset_Bz Number Section Length The local z distance that the member is offset from its centroid at node. If "type" property is "cable", then this is assigned 0 (even if another value is specified here).


    "members": {
        "1": {
            "node_A": 1,
            "node_B": 4,
            "section_id": 1,
            "rotation_angle": 0,
            "fixity_A": "FFFFFF",
            "fixity_B": "FFFFFF",
            "offset_Ax": "101.6",
            "offset_Ay": "0",
            "offset_Az": "0",
            "offset_Bx": "101.6",
            "offset_By": "0",
            "offset_Bz": "0",
        "2": {
            "type": "cable",				
            "node_A": 2,
            "node_B": 5,
            "section_id": 1