Concrete Footing Calculator
About the Concrete Footing Calculator
This concrete footing design calculator helps engineers design foundations such as isolated and combined footings, concrete piles, concrete pads, and more. The software includes calculations for stability checks (uplift, overturning, and sliding), structural utility ratios (one-way shear, two-way shear, flexural , development length and detailing checks), and more - as per American Concrete Institute (ACI 318), Australian Standards (AS 3600), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and Eurocode (EN). The free tool will also calculate the volume of concrete in your design.
This online footing calculator is a simplified version of our Foundation/Footings Design Software, which is able to handle more loads and foundation types, including combined footings and non-symmetric isolated footings. Simply start by selecting your design code, and begin with adding or editing the dimensions of your footing via the width, height, and depth parameters. The figure will automatically update itself.
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The SkyCiv Concrete Footing Calculator Can Be Used For:
Concrete footing calculator
This easy-to-use concrete foundation calculator will help engineers calculate a number of important results for isolated and combined footings. These include overturning, dimension requirements, sliding, soil pressure, one way and two way shear and flexure capacity ratios. This gives the engineer a good indication of whether the foundation will pass or fail. The SkyCiv Concrete Footing Calculator is equipped with interactive graphics, multiple load types, in-built reinforcement and powerful calculation reporting. Some of these features are locked out of the free version, but feel free to check out our Foundation Design Software page for more information on the full versions features and capabilities.
Concrete pile calculator
Our footing design calculator can also calculate concrete piles. This can be designed under the context of ACI 318, AS 3600 (AS 2159 for soil) and EN. This concrete pile software will display results for axial flexure, end bearing, flexure*, lateral* and shear* checks. Note: any results with an asterisk (*) are available under the paid version only.
Concrete pad calculator
Along with the overturning, sliding and concrete design utility ratios, The SkyCiv footing design calculator will also calculate the volume of concrete in your pad footing. The result will return the cubic meters of concrete for metric systems and cubic feet for imperial unit systems. This calculator estimates the amount of concrete needed for your isolated footings, for quick back of the envelope calculations and estimates.
Foundation design and analysis
Further foundation design can be calculated from our full version Foundation Design Software. This software will allow the calculation of ACI 318 , AS 3600, CSA, and EN concrete footings (also known as concrete pad footings) with full loading capabilities and results. This includes a detailed report of the calculations and additional design features. This Foundation Design Software can also be used to calculate and design concrete piles as per ACI 318, AS 3600 (AS 2159) and EN with multiple soil layers, additional loading capabilities and no restrictions.
About SkyCiv
How to Use SkyCiv Concrete Footing Calculator
Step 1: Select Design Code
First select the relevant concrete design code you would like to design your footing with. Based on this selection, SkyCiv's Concrete Footing Calculator will help size your footing to meet relevant regional design considerations.

Step 2: Input Relevant Geometry, Soil, and Material Data
The next step is to input the relevant information concerning the geometry of your footing, soil conditions, as well as the concrete, soil, and steel material properties. This will help determine the overall strength of the footing as well as the weight, loading, and bearing of the surrounding soil.

Step 3: Add Loads
Next, you can input the loads of your footing (e.g. Dead, Live, Wind, Snow, etc.). SkyCiv's Free Concrete Footing Calculator also allows you to input custom ultimate and service loads as desired.

Step 4: Specify Top and Bottom Reinforcements
Determine the size, spacing, and concrete cover of the footing reinforcements in both directions. Additionally, you may choose to include reinforcement hooks at each end of the bars for added anchorage.

Step 5: Finalize the model by applying the design factors and adjusting the solver settings.
Complete your model by specifying the required design factors in compliance with the chosen design code, and adjust the solver settings for greater flexibility in the results.

How can I calculate a concrete footing?
The sizing of concrete footings is based on project requirements, site details, and safety considerations. Use the SkyCiv Free Concrete Calculator to calculate concrete footing dimensions based on loadings, soil properties, and safety factors. Input your project details, and the calculator will provide you with the required dimensions for a structurally sound footing.
What is a concrete pile?
A concrete pile is a structural element used to support foundations, transferring loads from the structure to deeper, more stable soil layers. Learn more about concrete piles and their applications in foundation engineering by visiting SkyCiv's article on Concrete Piles on our documentation site.
How can I design a footing foundation?
SkyCiv provides detailed guidance on designing footing foundations. Utilize the SkyCiv Free Concrete Calculator and refer to the comprehensive documentation on Isolated Footings Verification for step-by-step instructions on designing a robust and safe footing foundation.